Our Tribunals
ACP Sites
MVP Sites
Partner Groups
Physicians for Social Responsibility Compendium (PSR) on Fracking Studies
The Harms of Fracking, by Rolling Stone
Southwestern Pennsylvania Health Project (SPHP)
Climate Change Impacts from Natural Gas, by Yale Environment 360
The Frack Check West Virginia Blog
Are the ACP and MVP Necessary?
True Costs of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
We Can Have All of the Gas We Need in Virginia Without New Pipelines
The Vanishing Need for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline; Risk That Pipeline Won't Be Able to Recover Costs
Indigenous Environmental Network
Fumes Across the Fence-Line, study by NAACP and CATF
Lumbee Tribe Documentary
ACP's Cost and Burden on Low-Income Families, by Amy Mall
Bill and Lynn Limpert, Dominion Energy Seeking to Destroy Massive Sugar Maples at Their Home in Rural Bath County
Hadwin: No, Cold Wave Doesn't Show Need for Pipeline
To Understand Pipeline Economics, Follow the Money, by Tom Hadwin
NRDC Article Confirms Cost of ACP for Virginians
Are Appalachian Pipelines Being Built to Increase Exports, by Amy Mall
How Dominion Power Will Benefit From Construction of Pipelines
Dominion Power's Economic Tactics to Maximize Profits