Cville People's Tribunal
On Human Rights and Environmental Justice Impacts
of Fracked Gas Infrastructure
(The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Mountain Valley Pipeline)

Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Session on
Human Rights, Fracking and
Climate Change
May 14 - 18, 2018
Watch as Charlottesville People’s Tribunal shares evidence on the Impacts of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Mountain Valley Pipeline.
Discover other presentations from other Tribunals around the world.
What is a Permanent Peoples' Tribunal?
The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, based in Rome, is an internationally recognized Civil Society public opinion tribunal functioning independently of state authorities. It applies internationally recognized human rights law and policy to cases brought before it. The PPT is a descendant of the 1967 Bertrand Russell-Jean Paul Sartre Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal, and hears cases in which prima facie evidence suggests abridgement of basic rights of ordinary people.
Charlottesville People's Tribunal, Oct. 28, 2017
On October 28, 2017, a day-long tribunal was held to collect testimonies about the human and environmental impacts of two interstate fracked gas pipeline projects already under construction through parts of Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina. The Tribunal is one step in an ongoing effort to stop construction of these pipelines, which will have devastating effects on clean air, water, and soil, and will place a disproportionate burden on rural, poor, African American, Native American, and Appalachian communities.
Please explore this website for videos, written testimonies, resources, and information about how to help resist the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), as well as information about the ongoing Permanent People’s Tribunal on Human Rights, Fracking, and Climate Change, and their event May 14-18, 2018.
The Process
At the Cvlle People’s Tribunal, a panel of expert environmental justice judges - Lois Gibbs, Adrienne Hollis, and James Igoe - listened to first-person testimonies from members of the communities affected by the ACP and MVP infrastructure. Fracked gas well drill sites, large pipelines across steep slopes and thousands of water crossings, storage facilities and mega-compressor stations needed to transmit volatile gas over 200+ miles of pipelines.
All testimonies, videos, power-points, photos given by community members, environmental scientists, historians, economists, and other interested parties are available at the Testimony tab, above.
Judges' Recommendations:
THIS TRIBUNAL strongly recommends that the states of West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina, along with all environmental agencies, should
(1) Suspend all actions,
(2) Undertake necessary, thorough investigations, such as environmental, cultural and health impacts assessments, with real voice and real vote from the community,
(3) Immediately Cease and Desist eminent domain actions.
In addition, we strongly recommend that the United Nations Human Rights Council should put the United States on trial for crimes against human rights.